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The Great Unveiling Has Started

The Great Unveiling Has Started


The book of Revelation is the last book of the New Testament and describes a series of cataclysmic events, including ‘The Seven Seals’ and ‘The Seven Trumpets’ and the ‘Battle of Armageddon,’ which is a final war between good and evil. It is not for the faint hearted. In Greek which was the original language of the Revelation given to John about the end times, it was called the Apocalypse, (Greek – apokalypsis, meaning, “unveiling,” “revelation,” or “disclosure”). The full Greek title in English means, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.”

Here is the reason for writing this post.

As I have discussed before in my posts, I believe in 2025 we are living out the book of Revelation, i.e. the Revelation has started. The first two of the seven seal have already been broken. The first seal in 2020 with the worldwide Pandemic and lockdowns, and the second in 2024, with worldwide knife attacks caused by western nations having an open border policy for twenty-five years. You must read the words of the original Greek translation, and you will see for yourself, it is very clear.

These nefarious events have been planned for decades. The planned opening of the third seal will be in 2028, (they are on four-year epicycles). The opening of the seven seals are specific events that are a wake-up call to humanity that we are indeed in the end-times and that humanity needs to prepare for what is happening next.

As I have also discussed in my posts, we live in a simulated world, where the realm operates on repetitive historical cycles, cataclysms, and resets, i.e. they are all programmed into the simulation, Revelation is the document that becomes relevant in the end times, showing humanity the sequence of events that are predicted (programmed) to happen and therefore a stark warning to prepare for them.

Each major epoch lasts for approximately 6,000 years, when a major cataclysm, including pole-shift occurs, facilitating for the next reset of humanity. We are coming to the end of the current epoch, 2025 is 5919 AM, where 1AM was the Adam and Eve reset of Genesis. Those that survive the cataclysm will have to start again, as all the previous infrastructure will have been wiped.

The Great Unveiling

Revelation is the great unveiling, or disclosure, as we have discussed for those that have eyes to see, The Great Unveiling Has Started.

The date was 2020 with the opening of the first seal when the world changed forever, and the people that sit behind the scenes who control this world, (who for the purposes of this post I will refer to them as the ‘controllers’) exposed their hand. It is part of their ritual that they are obliged to tell us what they are doing, they love it, because they have total contempt for humanity.

A large proportion of the population failed to see what happened in 2020 and that it was indeed a seismic shift in how the world was being run. There is a word for this ‘cognitive dissonance,’ to not believe what is clearly in plain sight, because it conflicts with your paradigm which you believe to be the whole truth. Remember, lockdowns, social distancing, mask mandates, vaccines, vaccine injury, were the beginning.


We are all being ‘played,’ and I am not going into detail here, virtually everything the conspiracy theorists said that people would not accept at the time have come true. If you read my e-book, I assert everything that is happening in the world today is 100% connected and contrived to enslave humanity and bring in a New World Order as part of the UN 2030 Agenda. We are all witnessing a stage play being acted out in real time, all the figures on stage have their roles to play in the narrative that is unfolding. I have also said that 2025 is going to be a massive awakening, with incredible and unbelievable events.

Join the dots.

Catastrophic flooding in Spain, fires in Carolina, fires in Los Angeles, numerous plane crashes across the world, mass drones in the sky over the US and other parts of the world. Trump reversing everything Biden did and facilitating for a right-wing Christian revolution and technocracy. Starmer destroying the UK, Macron destroying France, knife attacks and killings everywhere which will explode in 2025, are just a few.

There are also the ongoing wars in Ukraine and Israel, where the conflict in Palestine could be a precursor to an all-out war between the West (Christianity) and Islam. They are all planned, all distraction, all contrived to cause maximum trauma. At some point during 2025 people are hopefully going to realise that everything is connected.

What happens next - the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question?

Our controllers are using 2025 as the last part of the ‘softening-up’ of humanity, after which humanity will agree to anything to bring the current madness to a halt. I don’t want to expand on this here because I have said so many times what their ultimate intensions are. I want to concentrate on what should happen.

The Great Unveiling Leads To The Great Awakening.

We have been here before, this 6,000-year cycle repeats, who knows how many times. There is always a Genesis story and there is always a Revelation to every single epoch, it’s programmed remember, it happens. So, it is interesting to contemplate if previous iterations of humanity ‘got it’ before their time ran out, how did it end for them?

It was Nikola Tesla the genius of the 20th Century said the following,

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.


And there we have the answer, Tesla knew that if enough people can come together, we are able to change the frequency of the construct that we live. Putting it another way.

Awakenment leads to enlightenment which manifests in a higher level of consciousness facilitating for a higher level of frequency and vibration. That peace can only come from a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.

This last statement I will expand upon in my next post.

Here’s the thing.

We are still in the game, (war), it’s not over until it’s over. Rather than get consumed by the bonkers, contrived happenings of today’s unreality, rise-above and break-free from the dungeon programming of this realm. Talk to and discuss what is happening with friends and family, don’t go into a shell thinking it’s going to get better, because it’s not. Talking to other people is going to raise your vibration and by simply doing this you will engage with other people on your new wavelength. I contend that we are all connected at a quantum level and by simple changing the frequency of enough people we will be able to change the outcome of events.

We the people must raise our collective consciousnesses.

To put it bluntly we must wake-up fast, if we don’t, humanity as we know it is finished.

Be strong and stay safe.


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