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MSM vs MAM - Unlocking Your Critical Thinking

MSM vs MAM - Unlocking Your Critical Thinking

Let’s talk about the media again, I am always slagging off the Mainstream Media (MSM) because they speak with one voice. They are told what to broadcast each day, the main theme, which other topics to cover, which wars to mention (there are always many), and importantly what side they are on. There is so much happening across the world each day the MSM will deliberately not report events that have no significance. They only report news that reflects the agenda of the controllers. This could be an extract from the pages of Orwell’s 1984.

At the same time, they will not report on investigative journalism that contradicts the desired narrative. There will be many ‘pissed off’ journalists out there who have the ‘scoop’ and are immediately shut down by their editors because it goes against the narrative and is therefore not allowed. Example of this will be any negative analysis of Covid vaccine damage and deaths, (which are massive), because it goes against the original narrative that indeed the vaccination program was the right decision, to protect the masses and especially your granny.

The MSM is referred to as the ‘legacy media’, because they are well established and everyone knows them, here are some of the news outlets, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, BBC, Fox, ABC, CBS, ITV, Channel 4. The three most influential news agencies globally are the Agence France Press (AFP), Reuters, and the Associated Press. MSM includes all newspapers; also, into this mix of MSM I am adding Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Spotify, and YouTube because they are also controlled. Musk deletes more content now than when Jack Dorsey owned the company.

There are eight media corporations in the world that own all news media. In the UK, according to a 2021 report by the Media Reform Coalition, 90% of the UK-wide print media is owned and controlled by just three companies, Reach plc (formerly Trinity Mirror), News UK and DMG Media.

So, you can see how scarily easy it is to manipulate events and therefore people, and they have been doing this since the dawn of time. Guys, it is sad to say, there is no such thing as democracy, you are being dictated to, (brainwashed).

Lost Belief

Lots of people no longer believe what the MSM is saying, which is good, so they go looking to see what the alternative media, (sometimes referred to as the ‘ALT media’), are saying on a particular topic, which in most cases probably, is the opposite to the mainstream narrative. YouTube and Spotify are awash with the new kids on the block, people who have been previously cancelled, fired from their network, or ‘seen the light’ now appearing as the real guardians of the truth. Let me give you a few names you will be familiar with, in no particular order, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carson, Megan Kelly, Patrick Bet David, Alex Jones, Jordan Peterson, Bret Weinstein, Russel Brand, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Dan Wootton. I have not included all the ALT historians, that is for another post.

This new ALT media now has its own three-letter acronym, (which means it has significance), MAM which stands for Mainstream Alternative Media. People who have switched to the MAM will have their favourites, and will follow them religiously, even going behind paywalls to get ‘exclusive content.’

There is a problem here.

Again, this is all planned by the controllers, because they know there is going to be pushback on their dystopian narrative (not everyone is dumb), therefore they allow a level of pushback again because they want you to take sides, DIVIDE AND RULE as I have said many times. It is as simple as that, playing one off against the other, even to the extent where civil war could break out in any western nation at the present time such is the manipulation of all media and events. It’s frigging genius, our controllers are always two steps ahead.

High jacking of the alternative media

Many of the ALT media are the new gatekeepers, in that they are ensnaring their audiences, and will also believe everything the host is saying. What is missing here, and it is the same as the MSM, is the total lack of real investigative journalism, (where have all the John Pilgers gone). The other thing that is missing and I come back to the title of this post is the critical thinking on your part. You must become the investigative journalist you have to open your mind to all possibilities instead of believing click bait headlines from the new ALT media.

Many of the ALT media has come to the top very quickly which makes me think they are ‘controlled opposition’, in that they have been bankrolled with an agenda of exactly how far they can go/reveal. They will also have the necessary algorithms that will propel them to the top of the search engines, or AI (that is taking over) and therefore capture lots of newbies looking for the truth. Most of the information coming out of the ALT media has a level of truth, which is quite easy when the garbage coming from the MSM is so preposterous.

Not seeing the real picture

Most people are ‘scratching the scratch’ when they research. When they find something or someone to believe they think they have cracked the code, whoopee, job done. I can tell you with four and a half years of research here that the more you know, the more you don’t know. On a scale of 10 most people are a big fat zero (sorry), I would say I am at about a two and a half on the scale at this moment and I think I have come along way, it is an incredible journey. To get to the truth you must be prepared go very deep, because currently you are being deliberately corralled on the surface by the MSM and MAM. And this is the reason people are still not waking up fast enough, because they cannot see the wood for the trees.

Becoming a citizen journalist.

You must become a new John Pilger, and you must put on your miners’ helmet, switch on the light and go down the levels until you uncover the deception. The questions you need to answer is, who is ‘behind the curtain’, who exactly pulls the strings of the WHO, WEF, UN, NATO et al. Everybody you think (by now) is a baddy is only a puppet, every single one of them, yes this includes Bill Gates and George Soros. The other question is, why are they doing this to us, century after century? Once you have the answers to these two questions and understand the implications of what you have discovered only then can you start to realise who you really are.

It is my belief now that we are on a ‘spiritual journey’ and that is ‘'your starter for ten’, you must discover this for yourself, it is over to you now. If you engage, be prepared to be shocked, at the same time be prepared to be empowered because only then will you realise “you are more than you suppose yourself to be”, and our controllers do not want you to know this and is one of the many reasons why they want to crush us all.

Those are my words, in the Gospel of Thomas Saying no.2 Jesus said, “Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will rule over all”.   


Be prepared, be strong and be safe.

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